A volunteer at our orphanage In Hyderabad, India shares laughs with the children she cares for as she hands out the new clothing that was sent along with our recent care package.
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“India contains the largest concentration of people living below the international poverty line. Sipas Bankës Botërore, në […]
Fotografitë i tregojnë të gjitha, Një ngjarje jashtëzakonisht e suksesshme e kuzhinës me supë u vendos në një restorant të braktisur në Rabo de Peixe, Azores ku ushqimi i ushqimit u shërbeu nga kujdesi për fëmijët vullnetarë ndërkombëtarë për qindra fëmijë në nevojë dhe familjet e tyre në Ishujt Azores.
Care For Children International Inc funded a celebration with food, music, dancing, clowns and decorations for the children and parents who have been helped by our Three Day Rehabilitation Center.
In addition to regular donations of food, clothing and other essentials, CFC made this celebration extra special for the children attending with a special […]