A volunteer at our orphanage In Hyderabad, India shares laughs with the children she cares for as she hands out the new clothing that was sent along with our recent care package.

Ulijua ?

India contains the largest concentration of people living below the international poverty line. According to the World Bank, in 2010 81.1% of people were living on less than $2.50 per day.



Maoni yamefungwa.

Tuma Huduma Fulani
Toa mchango wa mara moja, kwa kiasi cha chaguo lako kwa Care For Children International Inc. Mchango wako utasaidia watoto walio na uhitaji kote ulimwenguni.
Mfadhili Mtoto
Kwa chini kama .84 senti kwa siku, unaweza kuhakikisha kwamba mtoto mmoja anayeishi katika umaskini atakuwa na chakula, makazi, mavazi, elimu na matibabu. Tu $25 mwezi unaweza kumpa mtoto wako anayefadhiliwa na matumaini mapya.