Please see the following press release announcing the accomplishment of our most recent major milestone in Project Clean Water.


One of our most senior Care for Children International leaders in India, Munna, oversaw the completion and deployment of a freshly dug well which is intended to provide access to clean water to generations of rural villagers who currently have NO ACCESS to clean water!

Please feel free to enjoy the video directly below, or the newest group of photos (below the video) that Munna sent for us to be able to witness with our own eyes the incredible progress that is being made by CFC in building new wells and providing access to clean water for hundreds or even thousands of people in large areas of India, and other parts of the world.



Here are some pictures that show different parts of the process. Thank you everyone who has been donating! Your contributions are literally changing lives for hundreds, even thousands of people around the globe. If you are not currently a financial supporter, please consider making a donation by clicking here. The money being spent on the current projects in India, Afrika, Brazil and The Azores is making such a tremendous impact on people’s lives that its hard to really fathom it.








Help us make 2016 a Happy New Year for 100 needy Children around the globe. The CFC Family is always seeking to grow in size. Our mission to reach as many Children as possible continues as we seek 100 New Sponsors who are willing to make a difference in transforming the life of a child in desperate need. Start your year off with a positive gesture and be a Hero to a hungry, neglected or orphaned child in any one of the many countries we serve. Kwa chini kama .84 senti kwa siku, you can ensure that a child living in poverty will have food, makazi, mavazi, elimu na matibabu. Your tax deductible monthly gift of just $25 a month will transform your sponsored child’s life to one of hope and joy. To answer the call and heal the desperation in a a child’s life visit our Sponsor Page leo. A child is waiting.


Your Holiday donations have just been received at our Bodh-Gaya, Nyumba ya watoto yatima ya India. Because of your generosity during this holiday season, we were able to send over even more than previous years.

The care packages this year included lots of healthy food and beverages, new clothing of all sizes, toys for the children and an assortment of personal care items.

We are so grateful to have the opportunity to provide these orphaned children with a safe place to grow and learn and we thank you dearly for your continued support.


Aswaraopet-Mandal, Nyumba ya watoto yatima ya India

Watoto wakicheza katika Aswaraopet-Mandal, Nyumba ya watoto yatima ya India


The children housed at our Aswaraopet-Mandel orphanage in India dance in celebration of our recent donations. Michango kutoka kwa wafadhili wetu huturuhusu kuchangia pesa za kutosha kila mwezi ili kutoa chakula, mavazi, gharama za elimu na maisha 21 watoto ambao wangekuwa wanaishi peke yao mitaani.

Wanatuma shukrani zao kwa ufadhili wako unaoendelea.

Tafadhali zingatia kuwakuja na Mfadhili wa Kimataifa wa Care For Children leo, kwa kidogo kama .84 senti kwa siku, tunaweza kumkaribisha yatima mwingine kwenye sefu, mazingira ya upendo.






Tumepokea taarifa kwamba vifurushi vyetu vya utunzaji vimesambazwa miongoni mwa jamii nchini Guinea-Bissau. Kama kawaida, vifaa vilithaminiwa sana. Wajitolea walituma picha kama ishara ya shukrani zao. Asante kwa kuendelea kutuunga mkono!


” Inakadiriwa 41.5 watoto yatima milioni moja wanaoishi barani Afrika, , juu 110,000 ya wale wanaoishi Guinea-Bissau (UNICEF).”


Tumepokea taarifa kwamba vifurushi vyetu vya utunzaji vimesambazwa miongoni mwa jamii nchini Guinea-Bissau. Kama kawaida, vifaa vilithaminiwa sana. Wajitolea walituma picha kama ishara ya shukrani zao. Asante kwa kuendelea kutuunga mkono!


” Inakadiriwa 41.5 watoto yatima milioni moja wanaoishi barani Afrika, , juu 110,000 ya wale wanaoishi Guinea-Bissau (UNICEF).”


Tumetuma vifaa vipya vya shule kwenye kituo chetu cha watoto yatima nchini India. Watoto wanashukuru sana kwa fursa ya kuhudhuria shule na kufanya kazi pamoja kwa shauku katika miradi yao mipya.


CFC imesafirisha kifurushi kingine kikubwa cha malezi kwa watoto wetu huko Guinea-Conakry kilichojaa nguo nyingi mpya, viatu, chakula na hata zawadi kwa watoto. Asante kwa kuendelea kutuunga mkono.



“Katika 2009, UNICEF iliripoti makadirio makubwa ya 440,000 watoto walikuwa yatima katika taifa la Guinea.”

Tuma Huduma Fulani
Toa mchango wa mara moja, kwa kiasi cha chaguo lako kwa Care For Children International Inc. Mchango wako utasaidia watoto walio na uhitaji kote ulimwenguni.
Mfadhili Mtoto
Kwa chini kama .84 senti kwa siku, unaweza kuhakikisha kwamba mtoto mmoja anayeishi katika umaskini atakuwa na chakula, makazi, mavazi, elimu na matibabu. Tu $25 mwezi unaweza kumpa mtoto wako anayefadhiliwa na matumaini mapya.