A new computer was sent to India today! Thanks to your contributions, these children will have the opportunity to learn how to use a computer and connect with the world around them.

With your generous contributions we were also able to send over new shoes, indumentum, school supplies and food for these children who so desperately need your support.

Thank you for your donations.



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Providens 24/7 Curae
Gratias agimus tibi liberales contributiones et continuae patrocinio, CFC voluntarii operantur circa horologium in circuitu mundi. hodie, centum orphanorum habitationi sumus India, pascens millia in- Africa, sustentans pauperes infantes in Azores et praebens subsidia subsidia et centra rehabilitationem in Brazil. Visita nostrum Missionis Pagina plus discere quomodo donationes tuae ad liberos per orbem salvandos adhibentur.
Statistics About Guinea-Bissau

Statistics About Guinea-Bissau

Current Sumptu Stipendia
Duris oeconomicis temporibus nostram Global Communitatem percutientes, hoc tempus atrox est eos qui se adiuvare non possunt. Amplector unum ex nostris causas ut organizationem vel coetus, Quaeso perficere nostra Contactus forma et unus ex nostris directoribus erit contact you. View our Current Sumptu Stipendia videre quid Necessitas nos opus in conventu.
Statistics About Brazil

Statistics About Brazil

In 2006, UNICEF estimated that 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty Up to 8 million children live and/or work on the streets. About 42% of Brazilian children live in poverty. Approximately 1/8 of all Brazilian children live on the streets. In 2010, there were 473,600 people incarcerated in Brazilian prisons and jails. Drugs are responsible for 85,000 of the total tally.