A new computer was sent to India today! Thanks to your contributions, these children will have the opportunity to learn how to use a computer and connect with the world around them.
With your generous contributions we were also able to send over new shoes, indumentum, school supplies and food for these children who so […]
Gratias agimus tibi liberaliter usoris, CFC voluntarii in insula Azoreana Sao Miguel locata sunt et onera salsurarum distribuunt multarum rerum necessariarum victualium pro egentibus liberis et familiis in communitate eorum..
Fere 20 Tons cibi, indumentum, MUNDITIA products et scholae commeatus ex una ex pauperrimis insulis in Azores traditi sunt.
Recovering addicts gather with their families and CFC support volunteers at a Barbeque funded by your donations. Celebrations of their success have a great impact on recovering addicts, helping them to remember that everyone is proud of their accomplishments.
When Care For Children International Inc received a funding request from this one-room schoolhouse in Guinea-Bissau, we immediately began working on raising funds to help them keep their doors open.
Thanks to the generous contributions from our sponsors, the children here are gathered for their first lesson of the day, complete with new school supplies […]
Children in our Orphanage in Hyderabad, India celebrated birthdays today. They shared a special meal, opened presents and even had a cake. The children are so very grateful for your continued contributions.