Ný tölva var send til Indlands í dag! Þökk sé framlögum þínum, þessi börn fá tækifæri til að læra að nota tölvu og tengjast heiminum í kringum sig.
Með rausnarlegu framlagi þínu gátum við líka sent nýja skó, fatnað, skóladót og mat fyrir þessi börn sem þurfa svo sárlega á ykkar stuðningi að halda.
Þakka þér fyrir framlög þín.
Thanks to your generous contributions, CFC volunteers located on the Azorean Island of Sao Miguel sort and distribute truck loads of much needed supplies for needy children and families in their community.
Nearly 20 Tons of food, fatnað, hygiene products and school supplies were handed out on one of the poorest Islands in the Azores.
The community sends its gratitude to their CFC sponsors in the United States.
A group of children, smiling from ear to ear exclaim “Obrigado por tudo o CFC! Estamos tão felizes!” which means “Thank you for everything CFC! We are so happy!”
When Care For Children International Inc received a funding request from this one-room schoolhouse in Guinea-Bissau, we immediately began working on raising funds to help them keep their doors open.
Thanks to the generous contributions from our sponsors, the children here are gathered for their first lesson of the day, complete with new school supplies and even a free meal for lunchtime.
As you can see, these children are living in extremely poor conditions, any contribution that you can afford will be greatly appreciated.
Á nýlegri ferð okkar til sjálfboðaliða í Thiruvananthapuram okkar, Kerala munaðarleysingjahæli staðsett á vesturodda Indlands, við vorum ánægð að sjá hversu vel sjálfboðaliðarnir voru að nota Care For Children International framlög. The 40 börn sem hafa fasta búsetu á þessari stöð voru heilbrigð, ánægður, vel menntaður og síðast en ekki síst, þeir áttu von.
Ásamt CFC sjálfboðaliðum og styrktaraðilum um allan heim, okkur tókst að bjarga þessum börnum frá því að lifa og deyja oft á götum úti. Það eru miklu fleiri börn sem við getum bjargað, vinsamlegast finndu það í hjarta þínu í dag að leggja þitt af mörkum til Care For Children International Inc.
We have just begun supporting a year round orphanage and schoolhouse in Guinea-Conakry, Afríku.
The children here thank CFC sponsors for their generous contributions. We continue to provide food, clothing supplies and funding to this and other care centers throughout Conakry and encourage you to contribute whatever you can afford to save these children who so desperately need your support.
We were so excited to hear that the care packages we put together using your contributions arrived in Minas Gerais, Brazil and so were the hundreds of children who shared a meal together while singing and dancing with our volunteer clown. Each child was given a special gift and non perishable food to take with them.
Thank you for your continued contributions, your support is appreciated in so many ways.
Our Three Day Rehabilitation Center In Brazil just received new clothing and other much needed supplies. Thanks to your generous contributions, we were able to send over new clothing and accessories for children and adults of all sizes.
Vissir þú ?
In 2006, UNICEF áætlaði það 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty