Sjálfboðaliði á munaðarleysingjahæli okkar í Hyderabad, Indland deilir hlátri með börnunum sem hún sér um þegar hún útdeilir nýja fatnaðinum sem var sendur með nýlegum umönnunarpakka okkar.
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“Á Indlandi er mestur fjöldi fólks sem býr undir alþjóðlegum fátæktarmörkum. Samkvæmt Alþjóðabankanum, inn […]
The pictures tell it all, a hugely successful soup kitchen event was set up at an abandoned restaurant in Rabo de Peixe, Azores where nurturing meals were served by Care For Children International Volunteers to hundreds of needy children and their families on the Azores Islands.
Care For Children International Inc funded a celebration with food, music, dancing, clowns and decorations for the children and parents who have been helped by our Three Day Rehabilitation Center.
In addition to regular donations of food, clothing and other essentials, CFC made this celebration extra special for the children attending with a special […]