• $50,000 funding goal
  • $0 raised
  • 0 givers
  • 0 days left
07._A_new_house_-_50,000_USDWe have been presented an opportunity to purchase the Orphanage property that we are currently renting in Hydrabad, Indlandi. It would be unfortunate if some other party were to purchase the Land and Building and displace our Children. This building provides adequate housing for 12 boys and 12 girls plus our support staffers. It is a modern structure and has running water for drinking and bathing that is pumped with an electric pump. It is located in a large developed city where demand and cost for housing is expected to increase continuously. We hope to be able to purchase the building before the owner gives in to neighborhood pressure or market conditions and sells the building to an outsider. We would need to close on the purchase before our current lease expires on 12/31/16 .   Please do what you can to help and get involved with this cause by sharing this page with your friends and family. We are hoping to raise $50,000 for this cause. So far we have raised $0. If you would like to contribute to this cause, click on the donate button below:


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Að veita 24/7 Umhyggja
Þökk sé rausnarlegu framlagi þínu og áframhaldandi stuðningi, CFC sjálfboðaliðar vinna allan sólarhringinn um allan heim. Í dag, við hýsum hundruð munaðarlausra barna í Indlandi, fæða þúsundir inn Afríku, stuðningur við fátæk börn í landinu azóreyjar og veita fjárhagsaðstoð og endurhæfingarstöðvar í Brasilíu. Heimsæktu okkar Erindi Síða til að læra meira um hvernig framlög þín eru notuð til að bjarga börnum um allan heim.
Statistics About Guinea-Bissau

Statistics About Guinea-Bissau

Núverandi fjármögnunarherferðir
Með erfiðum efnahagslegum tímum sem hrjáir alheimssamfélagið okkar, þetta er mikilvægur tími til að hjálpa þeim sem geta ekki hjálpað sér sjálfir. Að faðma einn af okkar Orsakir sem stofnun eða hópur, vinsamlegast kláraðu okkar Hafðu samband og einn af stjórnendum okkar mun hafa samband við þig. Skoðaðu okkar Núverandi fjármögnunarherferðir að sjá hvað Þarfir við erum að vinna að fundi.
Statistics About Brazil

Statistics About Brazil

In 2006, UNICEF estimated that 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty Up to 8 million children live and/or work on the streets. About 42% of Brazilian children live in poverty. Approximately 1/8 of all Brazilian children live on the streets. In 2010, there were 473,600 people incarcerated in Brazilian prisons and jails. Drugs are responsible for 85,000 of the total tally.