Jou Vakansie skenkings het net ontvang by ons Bodh Gaya-, Indië weeshuis. As gevolg van jou vrygewigheid gedurende hierdie vakansie seisoen, ons in staat was om selfs meer oor stuur as vorige jare.

Die sorg pakkette vanjaar ingesluit baie gesonde kos en drank, nuwe klere van alle groottes, speelgoed vir die kinders en 'n verskeidenheid van persoonlike sorg items.

Ons is so dankbaar vir die geleentheid om hierdie weeskinders te voorsien met 'n veilige plek om te groei en te leer en ons dank u graag vir u volgehoue ​​ondersteuning het.


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Statistics About Guinea-Bissau

Statistics About Guinea-Bissau

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With tough economic times plaguing our Global Community, this is a crucial time to help those who cannot help themselves. To embrace one of our Causes as an organization or group, please complete our Contact Form and one of our Directors will contact you. View our Current Funding Campaigns to see what behoeftes we are working on meeting.
Statistics About Brazil

Statistics About Brazil

In 2006, UNICEF het dit beraam 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty Up to 8 million children live and/or work on the streets. About 42% of Brazilian children live in poverty. Approximately 1/8 of all Brazilian children live on the streets. In 2010, daar was 473,600 mense wat in Brasiliaanse tronke en tronke opgesluit is. Dwelms is verantwoordelik vir 85,000 of the total tally.