Care for Children International, Care For Children International. is organized exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3), including relief of the poor, the distressed or the underprivileged by feeding, clothing and educating said individuals both in the United States and abroad.

The purpose of this corporation also includes:

  • Establishing and maintaining drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers to assist distressed and/or addicted individual(s) and their families in their recovery from addiction;
  • Establishing and maintaining orphanages to care for orphan children;
  • Educating the poor, distressed and underprivileged, by establishing and maintaining schools to teach these individuals; and,
  • Feeding and clothing the poor, the distressed and underprivileged by distributing food and clothing to said individuals.

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Statistieke oor Guinee-Bissau

Statistieke oor Guinee-Bissau

Huidige finansieringsveldtogte
Met moeilike ekonomiese tye wat ons wêreldgemeenskap teister, Dit is 'n belangrike tyd om diegene te help wat hulself nie kan help nie. Om een ​​van ons te omhels Oorsake As organisasie of groep, Voltooi asseblief ons Kontakvorm En een van ons direkteure sal u kontak. Kyk na ons Huidige finansieringsveldtogte om te sien wat behoeftes Ons werk aan vergadering.
Statistieke oor Brasilië

Statistieke oor Brasilië

In 2006, UNICEF het dit beraam 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty Up to 8 Miljoen kinders woon en/of werk op straat. Rondom 42% van Brasiliaanse kinders leef in armoede. Na beraming 1/8 van alle Brasiliaanse kinders woon op straat. In 2010, daar was 473,600 mense wat in Brasiliaanse tronke en tronke opgesluit is. Dwelms is verantwoordelik vir 85,000 van die totale telling.