We have been presented an opportunity to purchase the Orphanage property that we are currently renting in Hydrabad, 印度. It would be unfortunate if some other party were to purchase the Land and Building and displace our Children. This building provides adequate housing for 12 boys and 12 girls plus our support staffers. It is a modern structure and has running water for drinking and bathing that is pumped with an electric pump. It is located in a large developed city where demand and cost for housing is expected to increase continuously. We hope to be able to purchase the building before the owner gives in to neighborhood pressure or market conditions and sells the building to an outsider. We would need to close on the purchase before our current lease expires on 12/31/16 .
我們希望提高 $50,000 對於這項事業.
到目前為止,我們已經提出了 $0. 如果您想這一事業作出貢獻, 點擊下面的按鈕捐贈:
在 2006, 聯合國兒童基金會估計, 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty
Up to 8 萬兒童生活和/或工作在街頭.
關於 42% 巴西兒童生活在貧困之中.
大約 1/8 所有巴西兒童流落街頭.
在 2010, 曾經有 473,600 人們在巴西監獄和監獄關押.毒品是負責 85,000 總理貨.