- $1,400 financieringsdoel
- $150 verhoogd
- 2 gevers
- 0 dagen over
It is unfortunate that the Children at our orphanage Bodh-Gaya, India still do not have access to running water for showering and sinks. Water for drinking and bathing is still pumped through a hand well as needed. We are hoping to be able to install a drilled wells with an electric pump to provide running water for the children and the community by 02/28/16 . A second well will provide a redundant water source and supply enough running water for the planned additional Structure that will house 24 more children. We must have the water source to sustain the additional occupants before construction begins.
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We hopen te verhogen $1,400 om deze reden.
Tot nu toe hebben we verhoogd $150. Als u aan dit doel wilt bijdragen, klik op de donatieknop hieronder: