One of our most senior Care for Children International leaders in India, Munna, oversaw the completion and deployment of a freshly dug well which is intended to provide access to clean water to generations of rural villagers who currently have NO ACCESS to clean water!

Please feel free to enjoy the video directly below, or the newest group of photos (below the video) that Munna sent for us to be able to witness with our own eyes the incredible progress that is being made by CFC in building new wells and providing access to clean water for hundreds or even thousands of people in large areas of India, and other parts of the world.



Here are some pictures that show different parts of the process. Thank you everyone who has been donating! Your contributions are literally changing lives for hundreds, even thousands of people around the globe. If you are not currently a financial supporter, please consider making a donation by clicking here. The money being spent on the current projects in India, l-Afrika, Brazil and The Azores is making such a tremendous impact on people’s lives that its hard to really fathom it.







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Provvediment 24/7 Kura
Grazzi għall-kontribuzzjonijiet ġenerużi tiegħek u l-isponsorizzazzjoni kontinwa, Il-voluntiera tas-CFC jaħdmu l-ħin kollu madwar id-dinja kollha. Illum, qed nilqgħu mijiet ta’ orfni fihom l-Indja, jitimgħu eluf fi l-Afrika, appoġġ tfal foqra fil- azores u tipprovdi appoġġ finanzjarju u ċentri ta’ riabilitazzjoni fi Brażil. Żur tagħna Missjoni Paġna biex titgħallem aktar dwar kif id-donazzjonijiet tiegħek qed jintużaw biex isalvaw it-tfal madwar id-dinja.
Statistics About Guinea-Bissau

Statistics About Guinea-Bissau

Kampanji ta' Finanzjament kurrenti
Bi żminijiet ekonomiċi diffiċli li qed jolqtu l-Komunità Globali tagħna, dan huwa żmien kruċjali biex ngħinu lil dawk li ma jistgħux jgħinu lilhom infushom. Li nħaddnu wieħed minn tagħna Kawżi bħala organizzazzjoni jew grupp, jekk jogħġbok imla tagħna Formola ta' Kuntatt u wieħed mid-Diretturi tagħna jikkuntattjak. Ara tagħna Kampanji ta' Finanzjament kurrenti biex tara xiex Bżonnijiet qed naħdmu biex niltaqgħu.
Statistics About Brazil

Statistics About Brazil

Fil 2006, UNICEF estimated that 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty Up to 8 million children live and/or work on the streets. About 42% of Brazilian children live in poverty. Approximately 1/8 of all Brazilian children live on the streets. Fil 2010, there were 473,600 people incarcerated in Brazilian prisons and jails. Drugs are responsible for 85,000 of the total tally.