We were so excited to hear that the care packages we put together using your contributions arrived in Minas Gerais, Brazil and so were the hundreds of children who shared a meal together while singing and dancing with our volunteer clown. Each child was given a special gift and non perishable food to take with them.

Thank you for your continued contributions, your support is appreciated in so many ways.




Il-kummenti huma magħluqa.

Ibgħat Xi Kura
Agħmel donazzjoni ta' darba, fl-ammont tal-għażla tiegħek lill-Care For Children International Inc. Id-donazzjoni tiegħek se tgħin lit-tfal fil-bżonn madwar id-dinja kollha.
Sponsor Tfal
Għall baxx kemm .84 ċenteżmi kuljum, tista' tiżgura li tifel wieħed li jgħix fil-faqar ikollu l-ikel, kenn, ħwejjeġ, edukazzjoni u kura medika. Biss $25 xahar jista 'jipprovdi lit-tifel sponsorjat tiegħek b'tama ġdida.