Saimme juuri tiedon, että hoitopakettimme on jaettu Guinea-Bissaun yhteisön kesken. Kuten aina, tarvikkeita arvostettiin suuresti. Vapaaehtoiset lähettivät takaisin kuvia kiitoksen merkiksi. Kiitos jatkuvasta tuestanne!


” Arvioitu 41.5 miljoona Afrikassa asuvaa orpoa lasta, , yli 110,000 Guinea-Bissaussa asuvista (UNICEF).”


Saimme juuri tiedon, että hoitopakettimme on jaettu Guinea-Bissaun yhteisön kesken. Kuten aina, tarvikkeita arvostettiin suuresti. Vapaaehtoiset lähettivät takaisin kuvia kiitoksen merkiksi. Kiitos jatkuvasta tuestanne!


” Arvioitu 41.5 miljoona Afrikassa asuvaa orpoa lasta, , yli 110,000 Guinea-Bissaussa asuvista (UNICEF).”


CFC on lähettänyt lapsillemme Guinea-Conakryssa toisen suuren hoitopaketin, joka on täynnä paljon uusia vaatteita, kenkiä, ruokaa ja jopa lahjoja lapsille. Kiitos jatkuvasta tuestanne.



“Sisään 2009, UNICEF raportoi ylivoimaisen arvion 440,000 lapset olivat jääneet orvoiksi Guinean kansakunnassa.”


Lasten pelastusoperaatioiden hoito


Just a month before Christmas, your donations are used to provide gifts for children in Guinea-Conakry, Afrikka. Hundreds of hot meals, desperately needed school supplies, clothing and more were delivered to one of the city’s poorest schools and distributed to students and other community members.

Kiitos jatkuvasta tuestanne.


Did you know that this West African country is one of the poorest on the continent, with over two thirds of its population living in poverty ?”

Care For Children continues to work to bring down this ratio, we are dedicated to providing as much support as possible to the children, families and single mothers of Guinea Bissau.

We would like to thank our sponsors for giving us the opportunity to help the people of Guinea Bissau, because of you we were able to deliver massive care packages.

The care packages arrive to designated CFC distribution centers, complete with things that this community so desperately needs; clean new clothing and footwear, personal care items and even special presents for the children.


Did you know that this West African country is one of the poorest on the continent, with over two thirds of its population living in poverty ?”

Care For Children continues to work to bring down this ratio, we are dedicated to providing as much support as possible to the children, families and single mothers of Guinea Bissau.

We would like to thank our sponsors for giving us the opportunity to help the people of Guinea Bissau, because of you we were able to deliver massive care packages.

The care packages arrive to designated CFC distribution centers, complete with things that this community so desperately needs; clean new clothing and footwear, personal care items and even special presents for the children.


Needy children and families are excited to receive new clothing , food, school supplies and more from Care For Children International.


When Care For Children International Inc received a funding request from this one-room schoolhouse in Guinea-Bissau, we immediately began working on raising funds to help them keep their doors open.

Thanks to the generous contributions from our sponsors, the children here are gathered for their first lesson of the day, complete with new school supplies and even a free meal for lunchtime.

As you can see, these children are living in extremely poor conditions, any contribution that you can afford will be greatly appreciated.


We have just begun supporting a year round orphanage and schoolhouse in Guinea-Conakry, Afrikka.

The children here thank CFC sponsors for their generous contributions. We continue to provide food, clothing supplies and funding to this and other care centers throughout Conakry and encourage you to contribute whatever you can afford to save these children who so desperately need your support.


TEXT_VIEWING luokka: "Afrikka"
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Tee kertaluonteinen lahjoituksen, määrän, valinnan Care for Children International Inc. Lahjoitus auttaa tarvitsevia lapsia kaikkialla maailmassa.
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