Just a month before Christmas, your donations are used to provide gifts for children in Guinea-Conakry, Afrika. Hundreds of hot meals, desperately needed school supplies, clothing and more were delivered to one of the city’s poorest schools and distributed to students and other community members.
Dankie vir u volgehoue ondersteuning.
“Did you know that this West African country is one of the poorest on the continent, with over two thirds of its population living in poverty ?”
Care For Children continues to work to bring down this ratio, we are dedicated to providing as much support as possible to the children, families and single mothers of Guinea Bissau.
We would like to thank our sponsors for giving us the opportunity to help the people of Guinea Bissau, because of you we were able to deliver massive care packages.
The care packages arrive to designated CFC distribution centers, complete with things that this community so desperately needs; clean new clothing and footwear, personal care items and even special presents for the children.
“Did you know that this West African country is one of the poorest on the continent, with over two thirds of its population living in poverty ?”
Care For Children continues to work to bring down this ratio, we are dedicated to providing as much support as possible to the children, families and single mothers of Guinea Bissau.
We would like to thank our sponsors for giving us the opportunity to help the people of Guinea Bissau, because of you we were able to deliver massive care packages.
The care packages arrive to designated CFC distribution centers, complete with things that this community so desperately needs; clean new clothing and footwear, personal care items and even special presents for the children.
Ons het pas befondsing verskaf vir opknappings aan ons Driedagrehabilitasiesentrum in Brasilië. Die verbeterings bied 'n skoner en veiliger omgewing vir die gaste wat ons behandel . U volgehoue ondersteuning word opreg waardeer.
Het jy geweet?
“In 2010, daar was 473,600 mense wat in Brasiliaanse tronke en tronke opgesluit is. Dwelms is verantwoordelik vir 85,000 van die totale telling.”
Welcome to our new website.
'N vrywilliger by ons kinderhuis In Hyderabad, Indië aandele lag met die kinders wat sy omgee vir so sy hande uit die nuwe klere wat gestuur is saam met ons onlangse sorg pakket.
Het jy geweet ?
“Indië bevat die grootste konsentrasie van mense wat onder die internasionale broodlyn. Volgens die Wêreldbank, in 2010 81.1% van mense wat op minder as $2.50 per dag.”
Care For Children International Inc het 'n viering met kos gefinansier, musiek, dans, narre en versierings vir die kinders en ouers wat deur ons Driedagrehabilitasiesentrum gehelp is.
Benewens gereelde skenkings van kos, klere en ander noodsaaklikhede, CFC het hierdie viering ekstra spesiaal gemaak vir die kinders wat dit bywoon met 'n spesiale geskenk wat net vir hulle toegedraai is.