A new computer was sent to India today! Thanks to your contributions, these children will have the opportunity to learn how to use a computer and connect with the world around them.

With your generous contributions we were also able to send over new shoes, klær, school supplies and food for these children who so desperately need your support.

Thank you for your donations.



Thanks to your generous contributions, CFC volunteers located on the Azorean Island of Sao Miguel sort and distribute truck loads of much needed supplies for needy children and families in their community.

Nearly 20 Tons of food, klær, hygiene products and school supplies were handed out on one of the poorest Islands in the Azores.

The community sends its gratitude to their CFC sponsors in the United States.

A group of children, smiling from ear to ear exclaimObrigado por tudo o CFC! Estamos tão felizes!” which meansThank you for everything CFC! We are so happy!”



Recovering addicts gather with their families and CFC support volunteers at a Barbeque funded by your donations. Celebrations of their success have a great impact on recovering addicts, helping them to remember that everyone is proud of their accomplishments.


When Care For Children International Inc received a funding request from this one-room schoolhouse in Guinea-Bissau, we immediately began working on raising funds to help them keep their doors open.

Thanks to the generous contributions from our sponsors, the children here are gathered for their first lesson of the day, complete with new school supplies and even a free meal for lunchtime.

As you can see, these children are living in extremely poor conditions, any contribution that you can afford will be greatly appreciated.


Children in our Orphanage in Hyderabad, India celebrated birthdays today. They shared a special meal, opened presents and even had a cake. The children are so very grateful for your continued contributions.


På vår siste reise for å melde oss frivillig i Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala barnehjem ligger på vestspissen av India, Vi var glade for å se hvor godt de frivillige brukte Care For Children International-bidrag. De 40 barn som bor permanent på dette senteret var sunne, lykkelig, godt utdannet og viktigst, de hadde håp.

Together with CFC volunteers and sponsors across the globe, we were able to save these children from living and often dying on the streets. There are many more children we can save, please find it in your heart today to make a contribution to Care For Children International Inc.



Vi har nettopp begynt å støtte et barnehjem og skolehus året rundt i Guinea-Conakry, Afrika.

Barna her takker CFC-sponsorer for deres sjenerøse bidrag. Vi fortsetter å skaffe mat, clothing supplies and funding to this and other care centers throughout Conakry and encourage you to contribute whatever you can afford to save these children who so desperately need your support.



We were so excited to hear that the care packages we put together using your contributions arrived in Minas Gerais, Brazil and so were the hundreds of children who shared a meal together while singing and dancing with our volunteer clown. Each child was given a special gift and non perishable food to take with them.

Thank you for your continued contributions, your support is appreciated in so many ways.




We Just received these great pictures from our orphanage in Hyderabad, India. After receiving our latest care packages, the children wished to thank their sponsors for their continued support.

Visste du ?

According to the World Bank, in 2010 81.1% of people were living on less than $2.50 per day.



Our Three Day Rehabilitation Center In Brazil just received new clothing and other much needed supplies. Thanks to your generous contributions, we were able to send over new clothing and accessories for children and adults of all sizes.

Visste du ?

I 2006, UNICEF estimerte det 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty


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Foreta en engangs donasjon, i mengden av ditt valg til Care For Children International Inc. Ditt bidrag vil hjelpe barn i nød over hele verden.
For så lite som .84 cents per dag, kan du sikre at et barn som lever i fattigdom vil ha mat, ly, klær, utdanning og medisinsk behandling. Bare $25 en måned kan gi ditt fadderbarn med nytt håp.