Zov me nyuam thoob ntiaj teb, Inc.. is pleased to announce that our organzation has been awarded a 2020 Bronze Seal of Transparency by GuideStar.
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Providing 24/7 Care
Thanks to your generous contributions and continued sponsorship, CFC tuaj pab dawb ua hauj lwm thoob ntiaj teb. Hnub no, Peb yog tsev 175,000 orphans hauv Is Nrias teb, txhiab txhiab tus teb chaws Africa sab qab, txhawb cov me nyuam txom nyem Azores thiab muab kev pab nyiaj txiag thiab kev pab txhawb nqa los ntawm lwm tus Brazil. Mus xyuas peb lub hom phiaj Nplooj ntawv kawm ntxiv txog seb koj donations yog siv txuag cov me nyuam hla lub ntiaj teb.
Tam sim no nyiaj txiag Campaigns
Nrog tawv economic sij hawm plaguing peb lub zej zog ntiaj teb no, Qhov no yog ib lub sij hawm tseem ceeb heev los pab cov neeg uas tsis tau pab lawv tus kheej. Puag ib yam ntawm peb Ua kom muaj kev ua kom muaj koom haum lossis ib pab koom haum, thov teb peb cov lus kom tiav Hu rau Form thiab ib tug ntawm peb Directors yuav hu rau koj. Saib peb Tam sim no nyiaj txiag Campaigns saib dab tsi Xav tau kev pab we are working on meeting.
Send Some Care
Make a one-time donation, in the amount of your choice to the Care For Children International Inc. Your donation will help children in need all over the world.
Sponsor A Child
For as low as .84 cents a day, you can ensure that one child living in poverty will have food, shelter, clothing, education and medical care. Just $25 a month can provide your sponsored child with new hope.