Cura enim filii International, Inc. is pleased to announce that our organzation has been awarded a 2020 Bronze Seal of Transparency by GuideStar.
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Providing 24/7 Care
Thanks to your generous contributions and continued sponsorship, CFC volunteers work around the clock all around the world. Today, we are housing hundreds of orphans in India, feeding thousands in Africa, supporting poor children in the Azores and providing financial support and rehabilitation centers in Brazil. Visit our Mission Page to learn more about how your donations are being used to save children across the globe.
Current Funding Campaigns
With tough economic times plaguing our Global Community, this is a crucial time to help those who cannot help themselves. To embrace one of our Causes as an organization or group, please complete our Contact Form and one of our Directors will contact you. View our Current Funding Campaigns to see what Necessitas we are working on meeting.
Mitte cura
Fac unum tempus donationis, in quantum electionis tuae ad curam pro filiis Internationalis Inc. Donatio tua filios in toto orbe indigentes adiuvabit.
Sponsor puer
Nam ut humilis .84 cents diem, potes curare ut unus puer in paupertate victus habebit, tectumque, indumentum, educationis et medicinae cura. Just $25 in mense potest providere puero tuo sub patrocinio cum spe nova.