We have just provided funding for renovations to our Three Day Rehabilitation Center in Brazil. The enhancements provide a cleaner and safer environment for the guests we treat . Your continued support is greatly appreciated.


“の 2010, あった 473,600 ブラジルの刑務所や刑務所に投獄された人々. 薬物は責任があります 85,000 of the total tally.


Care For Children International Inc funded a celebration with food, music, dancing, clowns and decorations for the children and parents who have been helped by our Three Day Rehabilitation Center.


In addition to regular donations of food, clothing and other essentials, CFC made this celebration extra special for the children attending with a special gift wrapped just for them.



Recovering addicts gather with their families and CFC support volunteers at a Barbeque funded by your donations. Celebrations of their success have a great impact on recovering addicts, helping them to remember that everyone is proud of their accomplishments.


皆さんの寄付を使って作成したケアパッケージがミナスジェライスに到着したと聞いて、とても興奮しました, ブラジルと何百人もの子供たちが、ボランティアのピエロと一緒に歌ったり踊ったりしながら食事を共にしました。. Each child was given a special gift and non perishable food to take with them.

Thank you for your continued contributions, your support is appreciated in so many ways.




Our Three Day Rehabilitation Center In Brazil just received new clothing and other much needed supplies. Thanks to your generous contributions, we were able to send over new clothing and accessories for children and adults of all sizes.

知ってますか ?

の 2006, ユニセフは 9,100,000 children in Brazil are living in poverty


現在カテゴリを閲覧中: "ブラジル"
1回限りの寄付をする, Care For Children International Inc へのあなたの選択した金額. あなたの寄付が世界中の困っている子供たちを助けます.
低いために .84 1日セント, あなたは貧困の中で生きている一人の子供が食べ物を持っていることを保証することができます, シェルター, 衣類, 教育と医療. ただ $25 月はあなたのスポンサーの子供に新しい希望を与えることができます.