- $50,000 finantzaketa helburua
- $0 altxatu
- 0 emaileak
- 0 egun geratzen dira
We have been presented an opportunity to purchase the Orphanage property that we are currently renting in Hydrabad, India. It would be unfortunate if some other party were to purchase the Land and Building and displace our Children. This building provides adequate housing for 12 boys and 12 girls plus our support staffers. It is a modern structure and has running water for drinking and bathing that is pumped with an electric pump. It is located in a large developed city where demand and cost for housing is expected to increase continuously. We hope to be able to purchase the building before the owner gives in to neighborhood pressure or market conditions and sells the building to an outsider. We would need to close on the purchase before our current lease expires on 12/31/16 .
Mesedez, egin ahal duzun guztia laguntzeko eta parte hartu kausa honetan orri hau zure lagun eta senideekin partekatuz.
Altxatzea espero dugu $50,000 kausa honengatik.
Orain arte planteatu dugu $0. Kausa honetan lagundu nahi baduzu, egin klik beheko dohaintzan botoian: